
Department of Accounting Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Brawijaya (UB) was founded in 1977 by the Decree of the Director General of Education No. 835 / DJ / 77. During the first ten years, it had achieved significant progress under the guidance of Accounting Department of Economics University of Indonesia. In the first period, the department chairman had widely build cooperation with the Accounting Department State University in Indonesia, Indonesian Institute of Accountants, and several public accounting firm in developing relevant teaching.

In 1981, there were four students graduated from accounting department and received the title “Accountant” for graduates in accordance with Law No. 34/1954. In 1986, Accounting Department held a national seminar to evaluate the relevance of the national curriculum for accounting majors with the results of a National Curriculum of Accounting. Additionally, Accounting department declared its commitment to maintain the quality of education, which was reflected in the inauguration of Accounting Development Center in 1989 by the Directorate General of Higher Education. Accounting Development Center was sponsored by the World Bank and established with a mission to develop accounting education in Indonesia. Through this development project, Accounting Department managed to improve the qualifications of the lecturers; 11 lecturers with Master degree and 1 lecturer with Doctoral degree. Furthermore, Accounting Department designated as one of six leading Departement State University in accounting majors who were entitled to implement the State Exam Accounting in the same period.

In 1997, Accounting department received the highest ranked in accreditation of a four-star (**** A) from the National Accreditation Board. In May 2004, Accounting Department  obtained another  highest accreditation rating of “A” by the Decree of the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education Ministry of National Education No: 12 / BAN-PT / Ak-VII / SI / IV / 2004 (in 1997 the highest degree is A **** and in 2004 the highest degree is A).

In 2001, Master of Science in Accounting was established based on the license from the Directorate of Higher Education, which in 2006 received an accreditation from The National Accreditation Board. In February 2003, Accounting Department received another official permission to carry out the Accounting Profession Education of the Directorate General of Higher Education on the recommendation of the Indonesian Institute of Accountants. In 2007, The Department obtained an operating license renewal of Accounting Profession Education over the next 5 years with a value of 955. Back in 2004, Accounting Department established the implementation through the Doctoral Program in Economics, majoring in Accounting. Furthermore, based on permission of the Director General of Higher Education, in 2007 the department held Doctoral Program in accounting independently.  The department began to pioneer the International Program to open English language classes for undergraduate program. Additionally, Accounting Department obtained A-3 Competitive Grant Program of the Directorate General of Higher Education for the period 2006-2008.

All study programme in Accounting Department accredited by ABEST21 and ACCA.

Head and Secretary of the Department of Accounting from Time to Time:

01. Drs. Mustafa, Ak & Drs. Subagyo, Ak
02. Drs. Suhadak, Ak & Drs. Rosidi, Ak
03. Bambang Hariadi, MEC, Ak & Ali Djamhuri, MCom, Ak
04. Bambang Hariadi, MEC, Ak & Gugus  irianto, MSA, Ak
05. Gugus  irianto, MSA, Ak & Roekhudin, MSI, Ak.
06. Ali Djamhuri, MCom, Ak & Roekhudin, MSI, Ak
07. M. Jusuf Wibisana, MEC., Ak & Roekhudin, MSI, Ak
08. Roekhudin, MSI, Ak & Lili Purwanti, MSI, Ak
09. Dr. Unti Ludigdo, Ak & Abdul Ghofar, M.Acc, Ak, CPMA.
10. Prof. Dr Unti Ludigdo, Ak., CA. & Helmy Adam, MSA, Ak, CPMA. (2009-2013)
11. Nurkholis, Ph.D., Ak. & Abdul Ghofar, DBA., Ak., CPMA. (2013-2017)
12. Dr. Roekhudin, M.Si., Ak. & Yeney W. Prihatiningtias, SE., MSA., PhD., Ak. (2014 – 2020)

13. Yeney W. Prihatiningtias, SE., MSA., DBA., Ak. & Dr. Sari Atmini, M.Si. (2021 – present)