

Internal guidelines on employee attitudes and behaviors (employee ethics)

  1. Working on time according to the agreed picket schedule.
  2. Dress neatly and shod.
  3. Keep your workplace clean, tidy, quiet and comfortable.
  4. Create a comfortable and pleasant working atmosphere so there is no fear and depression.
  5. Be open, both to the leadership and other colleagues.
  6. Plan together for each activity to be performed and share the task.
  7. Overcome as early as possible every problem encountered.
  8. Try to maintain follow up of an outcome of the activity or evaluation result.
  9. Should consult and coordinate with Practitioners about each activity undertaken.
  10. Start working with passion and positive thinking.

Attitudes and behavior of employees in providing services to service users

  1. Apply 3S (smile, greetings and greetings).
  2. Be friendly and proactive by greeting and paying attention to customer needs.
  3. Providing services as soon as possible and providing additional services (finding seats and offering other assistance)
  4. Promise to provide solutions as soon as possible if employees have not found the right solution.
  5. Always say “Is there anything I can do for you?” Or “Thank you” at the end of providing service to the service users.

Discipline of employees in providing services to users of the service.

  1. Working hours are from 08.00 to 16.00 every Monday to Friday.
  2. Minimum work time is 2 hours from each picket schedule.
  3. Allowing users of the service to fill out the formularies and employees documenting in the guest book
  4. Seeking to always archive service user data.
  5. Carry out the task with full awareness and responsibility in providing the best service to service users.

Sensitivity or response in providing services to service users

  1. Smiles and greetings should always be given by the employee to the service user when the service user enters or leaves the office.
  2. Employees should be friendly and courteous to service users under any circumstances.
  3. Employees should always be professional and set aside personal problems in providing services to users of the service.
  4. When employees find a difficulty in providing services then employees are allowed to ask fellow employees on duty. If you have not found a solution to the problem then the employee communicates politely and kindly to the service user that the matter will be discussed to the senior or the lecturer.
  5. Employees only provide services to users of services in accordance with the field that was involved by the office.
  6. Employees do not receive any fees from users of the service.

Employee skills in providing services to service users

  1. Employees must have good skills in the field of communication with others.
  2. Employees should have a good attitude and polite to others, especially users of the service.
  3. Employees must have taken (pass) Taxes, Tax Practicum, Financial Accounting 1 and Auditing 1.
  4. Employees must follow the training that has been held by ICATAS.
  5. Employees must participate actively in all events organized by ICATAS.

Employee development policies in order to improve the skill or professionalism of employees with the aim of improving service quality to service users

  1. Employees must actively participate in ICATAS events or work programs because so employee skills will improve.
  2. Employees must attend the initial training conducted before the employee enters the ICATAS office. The training is led by a senior or a lecturer concerned with tax and auditing materials.
  3. Employees attend seminars in connection with the development of the world of taxation or auditing so that existing information can continue to grow and can be tailored to the actual situation.
  4. Employees in cooperation with Accounting Department Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijayan to carry out activities or work programs majors so that it can add employees working hours and can increase the skills of employees concerned.
  5. Employees must actively participate in obtaining the latest information on the world of Tax and Auditing Laws.
  6. Employees must uphold the professional ethics of employees.