Sumber Daya Manusia

01 gugus irianto

Lecturers at Accounting Department
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

No. Name NIP Position Unit Gender NIDN
1 Prof.Dr. SUTRISNO T., SE., Ak., M.Si. NIP. 195604031985031003 Professor Master Programme in Accounting L 3045607
2 Prof.IWAN TRIYUWONO, SE., Ak., M.Ec., Ph.D. NIP. 196106301988021001 Professor Doctoral Programme in Accounting L 30066103
3 Prof.Dr. MADE SUDARMA, SE., Ak., MM. NIP. 195707091983031001 Professor Doctoral Programme in Accounting L 9075704
4 Prof.EKO GANIS SUKOHARSONO, SE., M.Com.Hons., Ph.D. NIP. 196412032003121001 Professor Doctoral Programme in Accounting L 3126402
5 Prof.Drs. GUGUS IRIANTO, MSA., Ph.D., Ak. NIP. 196201101987011001 Professor Doctoral Programme in Accounting L 10016211
6 Prof.Dr. UNTI LUDIGDO, SE., M.Si., Ak. NIP. 196908141994021001 Professor Doctoral Programme in Accounting L 14086904
7 Prof.Drs. NURKHOLIS, M.Bus.(Acc)., Ak., Ph.D. NIP. 196607061991031001 Professor Doctoral Programme in Accounting L 6076602
8 Dr. Dra. ERWIN SARASWATI, M.Acc. NIP. 196001241986012001 Assoc. Professor Doctoral Programme in Accounting P 24016005
9 Dr. Dra. LILIK PURWANTI, M.Si., Ak. NIP. 196407091991032007 Assoc. Professor Master Programme in Accounting P 9076404
10 Dr. AULIA FUAD RAHMAN, S.E., M.Si., Ak. NIP. 197409102002121001 Assoc. Professor Doctoral Programme in Accounting L 10097403
11 Drs. IMAM SUBEKTI, Ak., M.Si., Ph.D. NIP. 196511021992031002 Assoc. Professor Master Programme in Accounting L 2116502
12 Drs. Dr. ROSIDI, M.M. NRK. 20190654031211001 Assoc. Professor Undergraduate Programme in Accounting L 8844223419
13 Drs. ALI DJAMHURI, Ak., M.Com., Ph.D. NIP. 195808201985031002 Assoc. Professor Master Programme in Accounting L 20085809
14 ABDUL GHOFAR, SE., M.Si., DBA., Ak. NIP. 197606282002121002 Assoc. Professor Master Programme in Accounting L 28067601
15 Dr. WURYAN ANDAYANI, S.E., Ak., M.Si. NIP. 196810291999032001 Assoc. Professor Master Programme in Accounting P 29106804
16 Dr. MOHAMAD KHOIRU RUSYDI, S.E., M.Ak., Ak. NIP. 197804152005021001 Assoc. Professor Master Programme in Accounting L 15047802
17 Dr. Drs. ZAKI BARIDWAN, Ak., M.Si. NIP. 196605251991031002 Lector Profesion Programme in Accounting L 25056607
18 Dr. Drs. ROEKHUDIN, M.Si., Ak. NIP. 196211271988021001 Lector Doctoral Programme in Accounting L 27116207
19 Drs. MUHAMMAD JUSUF WIBISANA, M.Ec., Ak. NIP. 195910251985031003 Lector Undergraduate Programme in Accounting L 25105906
20 Drs. SYAEFULLAH, Ak., MM. NIP. 195808291985031002 Lector Undergraduate Programme in Accounting L 29085802
21 Dr. Drs. M. ACHSIN, Ak., MM. NIP. 195805111986011002 Lector Master Programme in Accounting L 11055805
22 Dra. GRACE WIDIJOKO, Ak., MSA. NIP. 195805111983032002 Lector Undergraduate Programme in Accounting P 11055804
23 KOMARUDIN ACHMAD, SE., SE., Ak., M.Si. NIP. 196507281992031002 Lector Undergraduate Programme in Accounting L 28076502
24 Dr. Dra. ARUM PRASTIWI, M.Si., Ak. NIP. 196707142005012001 Lector Master Programme in Accounting P 14076703
25 Dr. SARI ATMINI, SE., Ak., M.Si. NIP. 197206111997022001 Lector Undergraduate Programme in Accounting P 11067201
26 Dr. SYAIFUL IQBAL, SE., M.Si., Ak. NIP. 197504052003121001 Lector Undergraduate Programme in Accounting L 5047506
27 TUBAN DRIJAH HERAWATI, SE., Ak., MM. NIP. 196810071992032001 Lector Undergraduate Programme in Accounting P 7106804
28 LUTFI HARRIS, SE., M.Ak., Ak. NIP. 197806212005011003 Lector Undergraduate Programme in Accounting L 21067805
29 HELMY ADAM, S.E., M.SA., Ak. NIP. 197904032005011002 Lector Undergraduate Programme in Accounting L 3047901
30 Dr. AJI DEDI MULAWARMAN, S.P., M.SA. NIP. 196912312009121002 Lector Doctoral Programme in Accounting L 31126928
31 Dr. Dra. ENDANG MARDIATI, Ak., M.Si. NIP. 195909021986012001 Lector Master Programme in Accounting P 2095907
32 DIDIED POERNAWAN AFFANDY, S.E., Ak., MBA. NIP. 196512301991031003 Lector Undergraduate Programme in Accounting L 30126504
33 YENEY WIDYA PRIHATININGTIAS, S.E., M.SA., DBA., Ak. NIP. 198001162005022001 Lector Master Programme in Accounting P 16018002
34 NOVAL ADIB, S.E., M.Si., Ak., Ph.D. NIP. 197210052000031001 Lector Master Programme in Accounting L 5107201
35 Dra. WIWIK HIDAJAH EKOWATI, M.Si., Ak. NIP. 195902041986012001 Lector Undergraduate Programme in Accounting P 4025902
36 Dr. BOGAT AGUS RIYONO, SE., Ak., MSA. NIP. 196508131990021001 Lector Undergraduate Programme in Accounting L 13086502
37 Dr. Drs. MUHAMMAD TOJIBUSSABIRIN, Ak., MBA. NIP. 196509181990021001 Expert Assistant Master Programme in Accounting L 18096506
38 DEVY PUSPOSARI, S.E., M.Si., Ak. NIP. 197511052003122001 Expert Assistant Undergraduate Programme in Accounting P 5117503
39 AKIE RUSAKTIVA RUSTAM, SE., M.SA., Ak. NIP. 197805182008121003 Expert Assistant Undergraduate Programme in Accounting L 18057806
40 ANITA WIJAYANTI, S.E., M.SA., Ak. NIP. 197912172008122002 Expert Assistant Undergraduate Programme in Accounting P 17127905
41 RIZKA FITRIASARI, S.E., M.SA., Ak. NIP. 197908262008122002 Expert Assistant Undergraduate Programme in Accounting P 26087906
42 ACHMAD ZAKY, S.E., MSA., Ak. NIP. 198410242010121003 Expert Assistant Profesion Programme in Accounting L 24108403
43 ADRI PUTRA NUGRAHA, S.E., MPA. NIP. 197912072008121001 Expert Assistant Undergraduate Programme in Accounting L 7127905
44 NURUL FACHRIYAH, SE., Ak., MSA. NIP. 196906091993032004 Expert Assistant Profesion Programme in Accounting P 9066903
45 MIRNA AMIRYA, S.E., MSA., Ak., Ph.D. NIP. 198412202014042002 Expert Assistant Undergraduate Programme in Accounting P 20128404
46 KRISTIN ROSALINA, S.E., MSA., Ak. NIP. 198604022015042002 Expert Assistant Undergraduate Programme in Accounting P 1048603
47 NURLITA NOVIANTI, S.E., MSA., Ak. NIP. 198711132019032009 Expert Assistant Profesion Programme in Accounting P 13118701
48 PUTU PRIMA WULANDARI, S.E., MSA., Ak. NIK. 2012028702152001 Expert Assistant Undergraduate Programme in Accounting P 15028701
49 HENDI SUBANDI, S.E., M.A. NIK. 2012048106201001 Expert Assistant Undergraduate Programme in Accounting L 20068106
50 YUKI FIRMANTO, S.E., MSA., Ak. NIK. 2011068506121001 Expert Assistant Undergraduate Programme in Accounting L 12068504
51 AYU FURY PUSPITA, S.E., M.S.A., Ak. NIP. 198812142022032003 Teaching Staff Accounting Department P 14128801
52 UBAIDILLAH, S.E., M.Sc., Ak. NRK. 20220185101912002 Teaching Staff Undergraduate Programme in Accounting L
53 Dr. VIRGINIA NUR RAHMANTI, SE., MSA., Ak. NIP. 198809022022032007 Teaching Staff Accounting Department P 2098801
54 INTAN LIFINDA AYUNING PUTRI, S. E., M.S.A. NIP. 199201272022032008 Teaching Staff Accounting Department P
55 MUHAMMAD DIMAR ALAM, S.E., M.Acc. NIP. 199107112022031004 Teaching Staff Accounting Department L
56 HELMY AULIA RACHMAN, S.A., M.A. NIP. 199406222022031007 Teaching Staff Accounting Department L


Administrative Staff Accounting Department

Head of Affairs Accounting Department Sri Wuryani
Finance Staff End Sarifah
Academic Staff Erham
Academic Staff Arif Khoirudin
Academic Staff Yudi

Internal guidelines on employee attitudes and behaviors (employee ethics)

  1. Working on time according to the agreed picket schedule.
  2. Dress neatly and shod.
  3. Keep your workplace clean, tidy, quiet and comfortable.
  4. Create a comfortable and pleasant working atmosphere so there is no fear and depression.
  5. Be open, both to the leadership and other colleagues.
  6. Plan together for each activity to be performed and share the task.
  7. Overcome as early as possible every problem encountered.
  8. Try to maintain follow up of an outcome of the activity or evaluation result.
  9. Should consult and coordinate with Practitioners about each activity undertaken.
  10. Start working with passion and positive thinking.

Attitudes and behavior of employees in providing services to service users

  1. Apply 3S (smile, greetings and greetings).
  2. Be friendly and proactive by greeting and paying attention to customer needs.
  3. Providing services as soon as possible and providing additional services (finding seats and offering other assistance)
  4. Promise to provide solutions as soon as possible if employees have not found the right solution.
  5. Always say “Is there anything I can do for you?” Or “Thank you” at the end of providing service to the service users.

Discipline of employees in providing services to users of the service.

  1. Working hours are from 08.00 to 16.00 every Monday to Friday.
  2. Minimum work time is 2 hours from each picket schedule.
  3. Allowing users of the service to fill out the formularies and employees documenting in the guest book
  4. Seeking to always archive service user data.
  5. Carry out the task with full awareness and responsibility in providing the best service to service users.

Sensitivity or response in providing services to service users

  1. Smiles and greetings should always be given by the employee to the service user when the service user enters or leaves the office.
  2. Employees should be friendly and courteous to service users under any circumstances.
  3. Employees should always be professional and set aside personal problems in providing services to users of the service.
  4. When employees find a difficulty in providing services then employees are allowed to ask fellow employees on duty. If you have not found a solution to the problem then the employee communicates politely and kindly to the service user that the matter will be discussed to the senior or the lecturer.
  5. Employees only provide services to users of services in accordance with the field that was involved by the office.
  6. Employees do not receive any fees from users of the service.

Employee skills in providing services to service users

  1. Employees must have good skills in the field of communication with others.
  2. Employees should have a good attitude and polite to others, especially users of the service.
  3. Employees must have taken (pass) Taxes, Tax Practicum, Financial Accounting 1 and Auditing 1.
  4. Employees must follow the training that has been held by ICATAS.
  5. Employees must participate actively in all events organized by ICATAS.

Employee development policies in order to improve the skill or professionalism of employees with the aim of improving service quality to service users

  1. Employees must actively participate in ICATAS events or work programs because so employee skills will improve.
  2. Employees must attend the initial training conducted before the employee enters the ICATAS office. The training is led by a senior or a lecturer concerned with tax and auditing materials.
  3. Employees attend seminars in connection with the development of the world of taxation or auditing so that existing information can continue to grow and can be tailored to the actual situation.
  4. Employees in cooperation with Accounting Department Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijayan to carry out activities or work programs majors so that it can add employees working hours and can increase the skills of employees concerned.
  5. Employees must actively participate in obtaining the latest information on the world of Tax and Auditing Laws.
  6. Employees must uphold the professional ethics of employees